Tag Archives: monday

Beautiful Words

Since I am in a haiku mood, I thought I would write a cycle called “What is beauty.” It took me a while to write this, and since it is late, I ask that you grant me a reprieve for anything you find particularly egregious. Thanks for reading.

What is Beauty?

Is it a social construct

or open for change?


Beauty is not on

the outside but within you.

Embrace what’s inside.


It is not defined

by someone else from outside

it’s up for debate.


Beautiful is not

new or pretty or showy

it is heart and mind


Beauty is thinking

It is moving to action

love epitomized


It is in small things

like roses, smiles, and hugs; moments.

little ideas


Big dreams, successes,

failures, and in between, all

can be beautiful.


I tell you all this:

If you think that you’re ugly

you are wildly wrong.


You are beautiful

Just as everyone else is.

Embrace confidence.


Find someone who loves

you for who you really are.

Not for an ideal.


When you find people

that you want to spend moments

with; make memories.


You will then see what

beauty truly is, and that

is no lie; truly.


Beauty is no joke.

It is not a thing messed with.

Beauty is our dream.


We desire beauty

like milk, keeping us awake

at night, pushing us.


So we go on; restless

wanderers in faithless chase

after an ideal.


Beauty lies within

the sacrifice of a Dad

who sent baby Boy


To die hard for us,

a lamb to the slaughterhouse

all for salvation.


That is the beauty

we seek. A life with the Son

who came to save US.


Young Carpenter, hung

on a wooden stake for me.

Because of His love.


So I sit in my

ineptitude; pondering

the grace that abounds.


This is beauty also.

The love of a father, too

great to comprehend.


I guess beauty lies

in all things, big and small; we

just have to find it.


My Entry for the Creative Writing Challenge

Well, I saw a haiku contest, and I wanted to enter. It is as simple as that. I will post all five haikus here at once, and hopefully they will be rather good! I call this “Haikus on a rainy Monday.” I will post a link below for anyone else interested in the little game.

Here we go!

1. I wake up

I wake up sad; angry.

It is snowing out my window

And I still have class.


2. Time to get ready

I get out of bed

And throw some pants on, I’m rushed.

I don’t want to leave.


3. Class

British Lit, why not?

Sense and Sensibility

My mind; worn to mush.


4. Work

I sit at my desk

Pondering mysteries of

Blogging or sleeping.


5. Bed again

Sweet sleep, so far gone

Time to catch up with you now.

Close my eyes sweetly.

They may not be great, but it’s a start! Hopefully you will be able to get your creative juices flowing. Here’s a link! http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/11/25/challenge-haiku/